“HI” and welcome to:


It took us a while, but here we are! Have a look around our brand new site, read the blog and explore. We are still finishing bits and we have not implemented all of the features yet, so bear with us and please check back. It will be all there very soon.

Who we are and why artspace:

Find out more about who is behind artspace.blog – and what it is all about.


Tell us about your project and vision.


We plan and budget with your input at the forefront.


We execute and make your vision a reality.

Photography Workshop

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Hang it on your wall!

We have a handpicked selection of prints for your wall, postcards and other fabolous items for sale!

If you like travel photography and experimental photography, feel free to explore our galleries.

Recent Work

Photography of hills and a stone building in Brittany. The colors of the photography are reversed: the hills are strong purple, the sky appears turquoise.


Surfing Brittany

LomoChrome Purple on a misty day at a very special surfers beach in Brittany.

Read our Blog:

Magazine Style Blog Post 2 Template

Magazine Style Blog Post 2 Template

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read more

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