Surfing Brittany

Photography of hills and a stone building in Brittany. The colors of the photography are reversed: the hills are strong purple, the sky appears turquoise.

A Day at the Beach

We have a certain love for Lomography’s Lomochrome Purple, but we had a rough time with it when it comes to finding the right motive.

After several rolls of film that turned out a bit uninspired – if not downright frustrating – one very special hour on this surfers beach in brittany made it all up for us.

Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, conva


“De finibus bonorum et malorum” Cicero
Absatz 1.10.32 – 1.10.33


Ilford HP-5 developed in Agfa Rodinal. It shows crude corn, later we switched to D76 for developing. The prints we made using caffenol however turned out pretty nice.



After several rolls of film that turned out a bit uninspired – if not downright frustrating – one very special hour on this surfers beach in brittany made it all up for us.

“De finibus bonorum et malorum” Cicero
Absatz 1.10.32 – 1.10.33

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